There is a classic hymn in the Lutheran Hymnal with the title "Thy Strong Word" meaning the strong Word of God. It describes God's Word, in creation. The creative act of God the Father, Speaking the DIVINE and LIVING Word into the darkness and void, and there was LIGHT and LIFE. As we confess in the Nicene Creed, "Through him all things were made". Alleluia!
The next verses speak of this Word of Life, breathing life into the magnum opus of all creation, humanity in the form of Man and Woman. His Holy people press on toward glory. In the HOPE of Salvation which beams down on us from the cross of Christ. and we respond with mouths that proclaim his Holy Name. Light shines forth through the strong word of God.
Just WHAT IS this "Stong Word"? I think we can sum it up in just ONE word. "FORGIVENESS." The forgiveness of sins. How can such a "weak" word as forgive, do anything? Well, "forgiveness is the POWER to raise the dead to life." And YOU know the truth of that statement if you have ever needed to be forgiven for something that you have said or done. Especially if what you said or did, caused pain or suffering to someone. Anyone who has been crushed by the actions they took or the wicked things they said, also knows how close to death it feels. And those who have been forgiven their transgressions... truly forgiven... know how they have received back their life and hope.
THIS... This is the unique work of Christ's church. To speak the strong word of forgiveness. NO other institution does this service. Hospitals do not offer you forgiveness. Nor do schools, nor does the government or even any other religious institution our side of Christ's church. Mosques are where you may pray, but there is no absolution guaranteed to you. The same with the temple or the synagogue.
Forgiveness is the UNIQUE work of Christ Jesus. It is share with all people through the Strong Word and through the sacraments, as they are communicators of THAT Word. SIN, is real. anyone with a guilty conscience knows the truth of it. But THIS, His Church, (wherever two or more are gathered in His name) is where God forgives you and restores you to life. both figuratively and literally.